Monday, November 30, 2009

The NFL and Camp

I trust everyone had a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving. Like me, I suspect most everyone had his fair share of football over the weekend. One of the things that struck me during the Lions game (my poor, beloved Lions) was the public service announcement by the NFL called NFL Play 60. In short, it is an effort to encourage kids to get outside, to play and to exercise.

I love the concept of encouraging everyone to head out to the front yard or the local park to play. What struck me, however, is that those of us who head to camp already benefit from "play." The difference, however, is that the play is not contrived.

From the moment a camper arrives on the bus, he is outside, walking (or running) from each activity, playing soccer, or trimming his jib. This kind of adventure promotes a healthy lifestyle, one in which the boys are challenged not only in the activities, but by their very existence in the wilderness environment. Imagination, physical fitness and perseverance are among the many benefits to camping in the great outdoors.

I applaud any effort that promotes playing outside, like the NFL's campaign. I am, however, even more convinced that this 75 year old camp continues to thrive because of the enduring values brought about by outdoor adventures. A generation or two ago, playing outside was part of life. Now, it appears that we have to "sell" the idea. What was old is new again....though Chippewa never fumbled this concept away.

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