Thursday, June 23, 2016

Counselor Blog 2

Last week, Wednesday afternoon, as dark ominous clouds swarmed the sky, the first local canoe trip of the year took to the waters of the Crow Wing River. Through lashing rain and searing sun, the boys of Sooner Cabin paddled defiantly, all the while keeping a count of the turtles for which the river is famous.

Having missed the second night's campsite, we pushed on, tackling many miles and countless rapids before falling exhausted around a campfire. As the flames gave way to ambers, a pack of wolves howled on the far bank. Their somber song piercing the night's silence and signaling the end of the heroic day. 

    -Will Bowes-McTear

Counselor Blog

One week into the 2016 camping season and Chippewa is alive with the joyous cries of campers being launched from the thrill matt, chased among the pine of lower camp or locked in a painfully close game of table tennis. There is a buzz—a hum of liberation: of elation about camp, an irresistible mist of gleeful anticipation which seeps through the cracks in the weathered wooden walls of the cabins, engaging all who feel its touch.

The wealth of talent and more notably, of potential, is tangible with not a single meal going by without the announcement of some new feat of excellence. As the sun sets in the west, the moon casts its soft glow over the shimmering waters of Cass Lake and the “dipper” within. Its conquest across an ocean of stars counts down the hours of another day which promises to be rife with opportunity. The ship has set sail, but this journey is only just beginning.

    -Will Bowes-McTear

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Camp Is Under Way!

Preparing for Little Churchill

Excitement mounts as campers from Athabasca cabin prepare for Sunday morning's departure. I'm already looking forward to hearing stories when they return--proudly wearing their Black Erskine tams. 

Year of the Campfire