Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sheets and Blankets

For all of you parents out there, I thought I'd pass along a few thoughts about sheets for camp. Every year, I receive several calls asking to help clarify what sheets and blankets are best to pack for camp. The equipment list suggests that you pack cot-sized sheets, preferably non-white, flat sheets. Admittedly, these can be a bit hard to find. One place to find them is Campmor, though they only offer white sheets. These white sheets will work fine and are pretty cheap. Cot-sized flat sheets are much easier for your son to handle while at camp. Twin-sized sheets seem a bit too large when making the bed as part of the morning inspection, though they can work if twin sized are your only option.

Regarding blankets...fleece blankets have been a big hit with parents in recent years. In the old days, wool blankets were the typical choice, but fleece blankets are lighter, pack smaller and are just about as warm as wool. Either wool or fleece make great camp blankets, while large comforters are less desirable. Morning inspection is a daily routine, and a tidy area with a well-made bed is part of the checklist. The fleece and wool blankets simplify this morning routine.

Please remember that we do not rent sheets or blankets at camp. Also, be certain to mark all of the bedding with your son's name. Don't hesitate to call or email with any questions.

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