Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Chippewa Team to Compete on May 6th

A year ago, two campers and two counselors from Chicago competed in the Tri-City Challenge triathlon near Sandwich, Illinois as Team Chippewa. Once again, Chippewa faithful will be canoeing, biking and running at the Challenge just southwest of Chicago.

Sam Campbell, Adam Jeffers and Matt Hudson will join returning triathletes Thomas Beadle, Grant Campbell, and Jonah Mueller at the 2007 event Sunday, May 6th. The first segment of the race is canoeing for 5 miles, the second is biking for 13 miles, and the final segment is running a 5K. If you are interested in joining the competition, be sure to contact Grant Campbell soon. If you need his information, please feel free to email or call me.

I'll be headed up to cheer everyone on and for a traditional stop at Sandwich for new t-shirts. Word on the street indicates that a few bets may have been made on the top finisher. My money is secretly on Thomas Beadle.


Anonymous said...

Are you telling porkies MKT?

You only want to stop at sandwich to buy a sandwich don't you....?

grantino said...

Thomas Beadle will be too full the run after eating my dust in the biking.