Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Philatelic Findings

Sometime last year as Natalie and I were labeling and stamping the CHIPS newsletter, I decided that I was tired of seeing those flag stamps. Don't get me wrong, those stamps are nice looking, but it became a bit boring to always see the same stamp over and over again. Thus, you may have noticed that each issue of the CHIPS newsletter arrives with a different stamp. My brother Roger and I used to collect everything from coins to comic books, stamps included. It was fun and maybe that's why I like the myriad of different stamps that are available. If anyone is out there collecting stamps now, I'll do my best to send you something new every couple of months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael also collected rocks. He liked how they tasted. Especially the red ones (you know, cherry flavored and strawberry flavored). You can find some near the pug hole, but watch out for the black ones. They taste like old stamps.