Tuesday, December 12, 2006

No Electric Outlets Around Here

A fellow camp director recently recommended a book by Richard Louv called Last Child in the Woods. Mr Louv is an advocate for children finding experiences in the outdoors and he links many of today's childhood difficulties to the absence of nature in childrens' lives. On one of the early pages he has included a quote from a fourth grader:

"I like to play indoors better 'cause that's where all the electric outlets are."

I can't wait to get back to camp.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Before becoming a teacher I worked for Camp Leaders, a UK based company that sent young people out to work in US summer camps as counselors. So I've been around a lot of other camps and met a lot of different camp directors. It would be wrong of me to criticise the other camps as they do have a lot to offer, but I did notice that the camps which allowed electrical equipment in the cabins (such as iPods, CD players, PCs, etc.) didn't have the same cohesion and family atmosphere that camps that don't allow electrical equipment, like Chippewa, have. I believe it is very important for children to learn how to communicate without MSN or SMS. What do you think?