Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Logger's Tale

The hushed-quiet of a traditional silent breakfast with Paul Bunyan-sized pancakes was broken by the sound of two chainsaws this morning as we prepare for Paul Bunyan Day. It is truly the year of the lumberjack at Chippewa. It should be an exciting afternoon of log tosses, match splitting and a few other surprises.

The time is flying at camp! Our two-week campers head home on Saturday, but not before the annual Black Tie Dinner and a shadow puppet play on Friday evening. The week has been a busy one for all of the campers as the Trip House was buzzing. Sooner cabin returned from a 3 day trip down the Crow Wing, Demonia cabin is fishing at Hook Island in Canada and Muir and Marshall are exploring the canoe trails of Ontario. Later this week, our sailors head to the Apostle Islands and more local trips will come and go down the Mississippi or across Cass Lake to Star Island. Undoubtedly, those evenings around the campfire will provide some of the most exciting memories of camp.

It looks like the rain has finally given way to a few days of sunshine, so everyone is thrilled about the blue skies. Despite the rain, the activities have been running on all cylinders. Just a little bit of random news of interest around camp which demonstrates the point : Henry M. shot a perfect 50 on the rifle range. Wow! Chippong has grabbed the imagination of the table tennis enthusiasts (details best left for an evening at home), Olson cabin garnered Honor Cabin for the first week with the coveted green paddle now hanging in the window, Badger and Bunkhouse cabin had their first spin tubing behind the Beluga last night with Jake S. a highlight with airborne antics and Christian M. and Nicolas M. were top fisherman with Sam during quick fish trip to Moose Lake yesterday.

More adventure means more news ahead.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way To Go Henry Miller-time!!!!!!!