Monday, July 28, 2014

Where does the time go?

That's a great question. Time flies when you're having fun. 
At Camp Chippewa, our time seems to be: fun, friends and FOOD.

Good job Demonia--Honor Cabin is yours for the week.

First trip to Hook Island. PFD's ? Check.

While waiting for dinner to begin, we were entertained by Charlie R., and Judson P., performing CC fencing techniques. Well done boys.

Music while we wait. Will, AJ and Jack like listening to Sam play.

Charlie, Sawyer, Eric and Luke look fabulous.

Michael K. brings out the feast. Nice tie Michael.

And this is where it all begins. Thank you for the food ladies.


Sanderwil said...

Great job, Honor Cabin! Have fun at Hook!

Sanderwil said...

Great job, Honor Cabin! Have fun at Hook!