Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Developing Brains of Boys

Having just returned from Kansas City and Lawrence, I wanted to offer a big thanks to Dr. Tina Bryson for sharing her research on child development.  As you may know, Chippewa hosted Tina in several cities to discuss her research as described in her best-selling book The Whole-Brain Child, sharing insight for our Chippewa families, alumni and friends of camp.  I'm excited to say that we will continue to partner with Tina.

This Spring, we traveled to Chicago, Houston, LA, Kansas City and Lawrence with Tina and we'll look to hit other cities in the Fall and into 2013.  Tina's information has been wonderfully received and most importantly, she is a big believer in Chippewa.  Thanks Tina!

PS-  Don't forget to check our new "Events" page to see where the next great Chippewa event will be!

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