Thursday, October 06, 2011

Chippewa Hits the Road

Dates for our 2011-2012 Rendezvous events are already being set, including surfing in Los Angeles next weekend.  Sam and I are excited to see as many camper families as we can, so if you'd like to host a fun event in your town, let us know!  We'll bring along one or two of your favorite counselors to join the fun as well!

In the meantime, take a look at our current plans and check back as the fall and winter months unfold.

PS- We'll have tons of cool Chippewa stuff to give away to everyone who joins us.  Plus check out the new t-shirts for anyone who brings a friend to the event.  Just introduce a new friend to Chippewa and you can snag your choice of one of these sweet shirts.

Does Sasquatch wander the woods at camp?


Sam Thiessen Devine said...

Those are some pretty funny shirts!

Happyland said...

Like 'em- alot! You never cease to amaze me. Cammy