Monday, September 14, 2009

Special T-shirt for Early Enrollment

Check your mailboxes for our 75th Anniversary Special Offer. Plus, you could get this sweet shirt....makes me laugh every time I see it! (It's only available to those who enroll by October 16th, so don't wait too long!)

Peter Evans designed the JP, Jerry and Mary characters, which might explain a bit about how the world looks through Peter's eyes.


SJT said...

Does this count for counselors too?


MKT said...

Of course! Assuming we have sizes that are large enough for you.....hahahahahaha.

Jolson said...

Do you have sizes for Me!

SJT said...

Don't be silly, they don't make them that small.

PJE said...

I would like to order a t-shirt, if I may?

PJE said...

I forgot to order my size...I just need a Large. Gone are the days of JP and Cammy tossing me a XXL as Bowde Johnson and myself awkwardly wait until the t-shirts at the bottom of the box are reached. Unlike most Chippewa staff I am bucking the trend and have actually lost weight (I can picture Simon now reading this and an explosion of icing sugar and jelly erupting from his trachea as he chokes on his fifth donut of the morning). Yes, the new Peter is a slim, streamlined hiking/kayaking/canoeing machine...still has less hair than a cue ball...but less fat then Sam Devine after a summer of apple butter and haystacks. Mind you, thats not hard.

RobL said...

is that Jerry Maloy on there?