Monday, April 07, 2008

Go Jayhawks!

Alright, so I admit that this has very little to do with camp, but the reality is that this camp director is a KU Jayhawk fan. In fact, Kansas basketball ranks directly behind Natalie, Camp Chippewa and Moby in order of importance. So for all of you Jayhawk fans out there...Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Go KU!


Susan Rainey said...

Rock Chalk!

Anonymous said...

Rock Chalk! I heard Chalmers learned how to shoot a three on the BBall court at camp.

chrisriklin said...

i have to say that my first experience of March madness was officially epic. what a way to end it. before going onto the blog just now i assumed the first thing I would see would be a big blue and red bird, and how right I was. congrats Mike, i hope you have been gracious to any poor memphis fans in the area.

grantino said...

more importantly Chris, ask Mike if he has been gracious to Missouri fans.

MKT said...

My friend Grant, have you ever known a Jayhawk fan to be unkind to Missouri Tigers?

gydeme said...

I'm not much of a KU fan myself, more of a MISSOU FAN!!!! Yeah!