Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Mosquito Secret Revealed...

Brian Endres recently sent me an article of interest to our Canadian voyageurs. If you have ever paddled to Hudson Bay, you have seen a few mosquitoes in your campsite. Among your weapons: mosquito repellent with DEET.

Well, the secret of DEET's effectiveness has been revealed. Check it out at National Geographic online.


grantino said...

That's actually really weird that they knew it worked, but not how. And for 50 years no less.

Now can they figure out why it destroys all camping gear?

TJ LEADENS said...

That is actually quite common when it comes to chemicals. They are typically designed for one specific purpose and fail, but the "side effects" are often beneficial. Such is the case with Ritalin. They know it is a "Central Nervous System Stimulant" and that it cures narcolepsy, but they are not to sure why beyond that. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've found showering with Irish Spring bar soap has the same effect on skeeters.