Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Houston Nostalgia

I returned last weekend from a wonderful trip to Houston and got to thinking a bit about the remarkable friendships that I have formed throughout my years at camp. Certainly my visits to cities around the country this winter share many of same qualities as this trip to Houston had.

On Thursday, I had lunch with a Houston alumnus who began camp in 1981 with me at ten years old. It's been over 25 years, this being the second time we had seen each other since 1983. Duncan Underwood and I reminisced a bit and talked about where our lives have lead us. His success professionally is obvious and inspiring to be around. Despite having been such a long time between meetings, I am amazed by the sincerity of friendship we shared. Perhaps that is the nature of the kind of relationships that form at camp. Shared experiences around a campfire, struggles and successes on canoe trips, and achievements in activities around camp truly form deep and enduring friendships. My friendships with much of this Houston crew (Jonathan Avery, Chris Knapp, the Cox family, and Pato Cano) only reinforce how shared camp memories among generations of alumni create wonderful friendships. Thanks to all of my Houston friends for a memorable trip.

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