Counselors sometimes do crazy things. Not surprisingly, counselor
Teddy Mundt has chosen to jump out of a plane to fall a few thousand feet back to earth. Luckily, he landed in one piece since he plans to be back at camp again this summer. He sent these pictures.

Teddy jumped off the Buck Lake Diving Tower once too. I saw it. He didn't have anyone attached to him, though. He landed in the water. The parachute never came out. I'm not sure he was even wearing one, unless it was under his swimsuit. I didn't think to look for one. I think everything was ok, but there weren't any pictures. He fell too fast. Buck Lake is cold, but he was ok.
Wow Teddy... thats SICK ive alwys wanted 2 do that... c u nxt summer
Wow Joe... That's AMAZING how you managed to obliterate the English language in a post right next camp's resident English professor.
Don't worry, you are definitely off the hook in my mind for reading the blog and commenting. Nice work young Milligan.
Apostle '06 RULES
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