First session is just a few short weeks away.
As Mike mentioned in his recent blog, he's arrived at camp, and even broken out the table tennis paddle.
Before too long, staff members will start to make their way up as well. They'll arrive, unpack, and get started on cleaning out the cabins, putting in the docks, and readying the archery range.
Aside from all of the great equipment that you may have seen last year, they'll be unwrapping some new camp gear as well.
New canoes for the voyageurs. A new sailboat for the skippers.
And according to former camper Takeshi Fugisaki - a Nintendo "Wii 2" for the counselors. Takeshi has been working with Nintendo for the past 5 years, and has managed to arrange for a "beta" version for the "target market game testers" that spend their off-time in the counselor retreat.
Just one more perk to being a counselor at Camp Chippewa.....